Composite Fillings Stafford, VA
When you need a tooth repair, composite fillings are a cosmetic dentistry treatment that can replace missing tooth material and blend in perfectly with your smile. Unlike metal or amalgam filling, composite fillings are white and can be color-matched to your teeth. Whether you need a cavity filled, a chip repaired or want to hide dental flaws, composite fillings or dental bonding can be used to improve the health and beauty of your smile. Garrisonville Dental is happy to offer composite fillings for our patients to fix their smiles.
There are many uses for composite fillings when it comes to both general and cosmetic dentistry. This versatile material can be used to replace tooth material that has been lost or removed, and it is durable enough to last for many years. The putty-like substance can be formed to repair chips or missing pieces of the tooth, especially on the front or anterior teeth. It can also be added to teeth to close gaps or fill cavities.
What is a Composite Resin?
Composite fillings and dental bonding use a special resin that can replace the enamel on your teeth. This substance is a blend of plastics and ceramics that is easy to shape or apply to teeth. Once in place, it is cured with a light that causes it to harden. It can be color-matched to your teeth so that repairs are unnoticeable.
Composite resin can be used to cover almost any dental flaw. Like dental veneers, bonding with resin can hide gaps, chips and discolorations in your teeth. Cosmetic repairs can be done in one visit with composite resin. The process is not painful, and it is more affordable than porcelain veneers.
If you are interested in learning more about improving your smile with composite fillings or dental bonding, contact our office in Stafford. We will schedule you a consultation to talk with one of our cosmetic dentists to discuss options for changing the appearance of your smile.